
The making of vietnamese spring roll

1월 23일 일요일, 월남쌈 만들어서 먹었습니다 ㅎㅎ
I made some vietnamese spring roll in January 23, Sunday by myself.
보기만 해도 참 맛있겠죠? It looks so yummy, right?

재료 Ingredients: 새우, 오징어, 닭가슴살, 파인애플, 파프리카, 무순, 오이, 적채, 
스위트 칠리소스, 라이스페이퍼, 동남아 쌀국수 면, 쌈무
Shrimp, Squid, Chicken's Chest, Pineapple, Paprika, Radish Sprout, Cucumber,
Red Cabbage, Sweet Chili Sauce, Rice Paper, Rice Noodle, Sliced Radish

준비 방법 How to prepare to cook
야채는 얇게 썰어 준비합니다. We have to shred all of vegetables to prepare.
닭가슴살과 새우, 오징어는 삶아서 준비합니다. 
And put Chicken's Chest, Shrimp and Squid in the boiled-hot water
and take them out in a short time to prepare.

준비가 다 되었으면, 라이스 페이퍼를 물에 적셔서 사진과 같이
기호에 맞추어 쌈싸서 먹으세요! ^^
If prepared as well, just wet a piece of rice paper in a cold water,
and wrap it with some ingredients you want by yourself. Just eat it! :) 

보기만 해도 맛있겠죠? 정말 맛있어요 ㅎㅎㅎ 집에서 해드셔도 좋을 듯.
Is it good to eat like this picture? Actually very yummy! 
You guys can do it yourself in your home. Just eat it! :)


Keemun Black Milk Tea

안녕하세요! Warren Jay입니다.
Hello, Warren Jay is coming!

원래 외국인 친구들과의 소통을 위해서 이 블로그를 기획하였으나
Originally I organized to build my blog for making interaction with my buddies abroad,
한국 분들도 점점 많이 들어오는 추세라, 앞으로는
한글/영어 내용을 이렇게 같이 올리기로 했습니다.
Actually korean people also come here to visit my blog as steady, So I decided to post all contents for Korean/ English Language version like this after this thread.
오늘은 간만에 밀크티가 땡겨서, 직접 만들어 먹어보고 싶었습니다.
I just felt thursty to drink Milk Tea for today, I wanted to brew it by myself.

준비물 Ingrediants
기문홍차 차잎, 물, 설탕, 우유 (간단하죠?)
Keemun Black Tea Leafs, Water, Sugar and Milk (How simple it is? lol)

기문 홍차(Keemun Black Tea)
구입처 (Merchandiser) : 복명당 차창 북경 산리툰 지점
Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop, Sanlitun Branch, Beijing

원래 복명당 차창은 홍콩 브랜드입니다.
Originally the tea leafs brand named 'Fook Ming Tong' is from Hong Kong
홍콩은 물론 북경, 상해, 항주, 중경에서도 분점을 두고 있습니다.
They have some branches located not only in Hong Kong but also in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Chongqing.
차잎 가격은 다른 곳보단 약간 비싼 편이지만,
홍콩 브랜드의 명성에 걸맞게 신뢰가 갑니다.
The price of tea leafs from there is quite expensive than other tea shop in Hong Kong and China, But they can be trusted from the fame of Authentic Hong Kong Brand.

기문 홍차란? What is Keemun Black Tea?
기문홍차는 중국 안휘성 기문현에서 나는 홍차로써, 세계 3대 홍차 중 하나에 속합니다.
Keemun is planted from Qimen District, Anhui Province in China. It belongs to world famous 3 of authentic black tea leafs like Indian Darjeeling and Sri Lanka Uva.
특히, 다른 홍차와는 달리 중국차 특유의 훈연향이 남아있고 향긋합니다.
Especially it has a difference from other tea leafs by its own sweet aroma; smoked-burned smell.

그럼...이제 만들어봅시다!
Then, Let's brew it right now!

기문 홍차는 중국차 중에서도 공부차에 속합니다.
Keemun black tea is belong to 'Gong Fu' style of tea among Chinese Traditional Tea.
다른 차와는 달리, 차를 끓일 때 매 순간마다 최선을 다해야 한다는
중국 전통의 '공부' 차예법을 따르기 때문이죠.
Beside of other black tea, It must be followed a traditional way of chinese tea
art named 'Gong Fu' that do anything as best at the every time to brew a tea.
그리고, 기문 홍차 역시 중국차이기 때문에 한번 우린 물은 반드시 버리고,
And, Keemun is also a kind of Chinese Tea, It must
be thrown away that once-brewed tea water.
두번째 우린 찻물을 마셔야 합니다. 그래야 깊이 우러나거든요.
And we must drink a tea water that is brewed twice. Then it would be deep-brewed.

물은 100도 이상 끓이셔야 합니다. 홍차는 뜨거운 물에 매우 잘 우러납니다.
You must boil a pure water on 100 Celsius Degree (212 Fahrenheit Degree).
Black tea is easily brewed by hot water as well.

홍차 잎이 매우 이쁘네요.
Black Tea Leafs look beautiful!
Let's brew it!

한번 따른 물은 반드시 버리시고, 두번째 따른 물로 밀크티를 만드시기 바랍니다.
You must throw an once-brewed tea water, and please make a milk tea
with twice-brewed tea water.

적당한 양의 우유와 설탕을 넣고 저으면 완성!
Put some right amount of milk and sugar, And mix it up, Then Finished!

와우~ 밀크티에도 중국차 특유의 훈연향과 홍차의 부드러움이
조화가 잘 이루어지네요. ^^
Wow~ The smoke-burned sweet aroma from Authentic Chinese Tea and the sweetness of Authentic Black Tea made a great harmony also for brewing milk tea! :)

I love it!

여러분들도 따라해보세요 ^^ You guys also try it! :)


My new cell phone.

Just a good lookin' feature phone, not smart phone
Actually I don't need smart phone cuz I already have iPad. lol
I just need a function to call or send message, it would be enough for me.
It's kinda 0 Korean Won I paid all cuz I got 2 year contract with LG Telecom.
(Korea has 3 of major mobile service vendor; SK Telecom, KT and LG Telecom)
KT has been imported iPhone mainly but I really don't like any kinda service plan 
and contract from them, kinda sh*t! 

My phone model is Samsung SPH-W9350 (CDMA)
Kinda cheap phone but just pretty, I like a design like this cell phone.
But I wonder why Samsung can't make better pretty thing than Apple?

Just lookin' good, little similar to my own Apple Magic Mouse. 

I really like cute things! *^^* Plz don't mention about it like it's too f**kin girly.
Cuz I ain't got any problem about my gender identity. lol 
(Just Kidding. Don't be serious, man.)

Simple lookin' Graphic User Interface. 
Better than other cell phones when I was in abroad.

P.S: Hey girls, if you wanna call me for chillin', Ask me first!
Then I will let you know my cell phone number soon. lol
jeongjimean@gmail.com (Sweet girls are mostly welcomed. lol)

[Apple S/W Review] Mac App Store

I had surprised again that Apple released an App Store for Mac!
It's same mechanism from iPhone/ iPod Touch and iPad based on iOS 4.X
I could figure out some fact that Apple wants to bring some iOS user to Mac. 
Just like "Back to the Mac", and Apple try to reform the Application Industry in the way of Apple style. Great Success! (Borat always said like that...lol)
This App Store system would change the game of software logistic industry through this way to make win-win with App provider; guarantee to make 70% profit for Application Provider, and Apple only take 30% profit like the systems of iTunes and App Store for iPhone/ iPad. How wonderful revolution it is! lol

The icon of Mac App Store is look like App Store for iOS. lol

It looks simple and just cute. :) I like that window interface. (Not 'Windows'. :P)

I choose one named 'VirusBarrier Express' that is Virus Scanning Program for Mac. Free to download it. Mac App Store has a lot of Paid App and Free App for downloading. But I think Mac App Store still doesn't have a lot of App for Mac to use as enough. (Microsoft Office for Mac, Photoshop and Other essential apps for professional work still doesn't exist in Mac App Store yet, but this problem would be solved like iOS App Store soon.)

Just downloading like App Store for iOS! Very easy to get some Apps! lol

it works good :) I satisfied. I also downloaded some apps like Twitter App for Mac.