
[Apple S/W Review] iTunes 10

I watched Apple Special Event at Apple.com Today. New iPods and Apple TV is good (Especially New iPod Touch) but I really surprised that iTunes 10 contains new social network service focused on music called Ping. Apple creates an way to build a new business model through it based on their own contents. I think it changes the way to make deal for some digital contents focus on business. Google has also android market but Digital contents market will be more competitive by progressive companies like Apple and Google. I really admire to the effort of them against each other. 

his is cute icon represent iTunes 10 at Dock of my MacBook Pro. What a great new!
I succeed to download it below this link http://appldnld.apple.com/iTunes10/061-8247.20100901.Ktjyt/iTunes10.dmg ( Only for Mac OS X )
How beautiful it is? New icon of iTunes is more simple and beautiful than last version.
Now it's a time to log into iTunes Account to join "Ping" (My account has nationality of USA. lol)
This is Ping. Brand new social network from Apple based on interested in Music to share some information and feeling by iTunes Customers. Very similar to use Twitter. This is kind of social network as great marketing tool and the new changed way how to exchange some contents in a logistic point a view. It's kinda Revolution about Digital Contents Market!
Main screen of Ping service in iTunes Store
They also supports to link on the other SNS like Facebook.
I decided to follow "Linkin Park". lol
This new iTunes service called Ping would be a kinda new trend of SNS related to Digital Contents Marketing in my thoughts. Mr. Jobs invented another amazing tool!