
The Certificate and Award of AA Pre-Marketers Promotion Activity Event in Korea

American Airlines Pre-Marketers Promotion Activities
for University Students in Korea

I could get some advantages through these activities
1. Best confidence that I can do everything
2. It is able to organize a kind of great human network for me
3. Figure out what I can do as well to choose a job position (Marketing/ Planning)
4. Accomplishment what I can get recognized from other peoples
5. Value Creation for 598,341 $ and Value Acquisition for 6,976 $
(I succeed to reciev a business class-round trip flight ticket to go from Tokyo to U.S.A)

I will go to United States America for internship program soon...
Just through to board a business class of American Airlines in this time...LOL

Graduation 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
@ Business and Economy College, Hannam University. Daejeon.

I'm going to remember these celebration days...


American Airlines Pre-Marketers - Finish the marketing mission 2...

This picture describes our delight after presentation about the marketing strategies for American Airlines (Korea GSA).
AA korea has a lot of weakness like too low recognition and has no channel to promote in the flight ticket market of Korea.
But we found how to make promotion through to analyze the special online environment of korea. that's our common main idea....(I cannot explain those detaily because of security...), And our idea is evaluated that has 602,523 $ of money value! I was suprised we could do it like that.
AA marketing promotion program is going to end on 13th Feb. I'm expected in our finishing day of AA marketing promotion activities. I think take part in this program is a kind of good luck for me. Because it is my first and final commercial activities as university student.
Also, I hope to contact to some people who is taking part in the AA marketing project activity steady after it finish and keep in touch with them so long.....